Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya – Français ( Android App )

Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya – Français ( Android App )

Al-Ṣaḥīfa al-Sajjādīyya (Arabic:صحیفه السجادیه ) is a book containing Imam al-Sajjad‘s 54 supplications and du’as. After the Qur’an and Nahj al-balagha, this book has an important position among the Shi’a school of thought and is known as “Zabur Al Muhammad” (the Psalms of the Family of Muhammad (s)) and “Injil Ahl al-Bayt (a)” (the Gospel of the Household of the Prophet (s)).

Although this book is in the form of supplications, it also contains many Islamic teachings mentioned alongside the supplications. In this book, topics surrounding different issues are explained in the form of supplications such as theology, ideology, anthropology, the Unseen World, angels, the nubuwwa, the position of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Ahl al-Bayt (a), Imamate, moral virtues and vices, honoring Eids, social and economic issues, historical points, different blessings of God, manners of supplication, recitation, dhikr, prayer, worship, etc. The most famous supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya is Makarim al-Akhlaq.


In the first supplication, Imam al-Sajjad (a) praises God and then the family of the Prophet (s), so that most supplications of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya contain the phrases of Salawat. In the end of the supplication, he (a) requests his needs from God.

Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya does not only contain supplications to God and stating one’s needs before God; rather, it is a collection of Islamic sciences and teachings in which ideological, cultural, social, political and some natural rules and religious rulings are in the form of supplication.

For the connection with God, some supplications are mentioned regarding different times and situations; some of its supplications such as ‘Arafa and Wida’ (farewell) with Ramadan are recited every year and some are recited every month, such as the supplication of sighting the new moon, every week or every day.

Supplications of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya have different names and many Islamic teachings are stated in them. In this book, many topics are mentioned in supplications such as theology, ontology, world of the Unseen, angels, the Prophet’s missions, position of the Prophet (s) and the Ahl al-Bayt (a), Imamate, moral virtues and vices, honoring Eids, social and economic issues, historical points, different blessings of God, manners of supplication, recitation, Dhikr, prayer, worship, etc. The most famous supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya is Makarim al-Akhlaq.

One of the most important religious-political topics is imamate. Also, the theory of Tashbih is rejected in it. (

Titles of the Supplications

  1. In Praise of God
  2. Blessing upon Muhammad (s)
  3. Archangels
  4. Attesters to the Messengers
  5. Himself and the People under his Guardianship
  6. Morning and Evening
  7. Worrisome Tasks
  8. Blameworthy Acts
  9. Yearning for Forgiveness
  10. Seeking Asylum with God
  11. Good Outcomes
  12. Confession
  13. Seeking Needs
  14. When Hostility was Shown
  15. When Sick
  16. Asking for Release from Sins
  17. Against Satan
  18. When Perils were Repelled
  19. Asking for Rain During a Drought
  20. Noble Moral Traits (Makarimul Akhlaq)
  21. In Sorrow
  22. In Hardship
  23. For Well-Being
  24. For his Parents
  25. For his Children
  26. For his Neighbors and Friends
  27. For the Border Guards
  28. In Fleeing to God
  29. When his Provision was Stinted
  30. For Help in Repaying Debts
  31. In Repentance
  32. In the Night Prayer
  33. In Asking for the Best
  34. When Afflicted
  35. In Satisfaction with the Decree
  36. Upon Hearing Thunder
  37. In Giving Thanks
  38. In Asking Pardon
  39. In Seeking Pardon and Mercy
  40. When Death was Mentioned
  41. In Asking for Covering and Protection
  42. Upon Completing a Reading of the Qur’an
  43. When he Looked at the New Crescent Moon
  44. For the Coming of the Month of Ramadan
  45. In Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramadan
  46. On the Eid of Fitr [Fast-Breaking] and on Friday
  47. On the Day of ‘Arafa
  48. On the Eid of Qurban [Sacrifice] and on Friday
  49. In Repelling Enemies
  50. In Fear from God
  51. Pleading and Abasement Before God
  52. Imploring God
  53. In Abasing himself Before God
  54. For the Removal of Worries

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As-Sahîfa as-Sajjâdîyya ( Français )

As-Sahîfa as-Sajjâdîyya (en arabe : الصَّحيفَة السَّجَّادية) ou ‘Ukht al-Qur’ân ou as-Sahîfa al-Kâmila est un livre qui comporte 54 invocations de l’Imam as-Sajjâd (a). Après le Coran et Nahj al-Balâgha, ce livre a un statut considérable parmi les chiites.

Android App :

Pour aider à  hâter la parousie de l’imam du temps(as), grâce à Dieu Très_Haut et à l’imam du temps(as), nous avons dessiné et produit l’application As-Sahîfa as-Sajjâdîyya en langue française avec la plume intelligente.
Il faut signaler que cette application est gratuite. Ceux qui la diffusent sont associés à la récompense du dessin et de la production de l’application.

Les possibilités offertes par cette application:
54 invocations de l’ima As-Sajjad (a)

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Que Dieu hâte la parousie de l’imam Mahdi(as) inchallah!
Que Dieu et l’imam Mahdi(as) nous satisfont!

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Dessiné et produit par le groupe Mahdaviyat de la ville Parandak

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