Good Behavior and Self-sacrifice of Ahl al-Bayt (a.s)

Good Behavior and Self-sacrifice of Ahl al-Bayt (a.s)

A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) and complained of hunger. The prophet sent someone to bring food from his house. The wives of the Prophet said that nothing but water could be found here. The prophet then asked his companions, “Who can host this man tonight?” Imam Ali came forward and offered to do so. Holding the man hand, he took him to his house. He asked Hazrat Fatima (a) if any food was available. She replied: “only a little provision, enough for the children but I give priority to guest over my children. Hazrat Fatima persuaded the children to sleep hungry that night. Imam Ali reduced the light of the lantern. He then invited the guest to the meal in the semi-darkened room. He sat with him pretending as if he was also eating but in fact he did not eat.

In the morning, Amir al-mu’mininimam Ali (a) went to the mosque for prayer. After the prayer, the noble Prophet (p) looked at Ali (a) and tears fell from His eyes. He said, “O Abul Hassan, last night your sacrifice was so much appreciated by Allah that the following verse in the noble Quran was revealed:

وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ مَنْ هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَا يَجِدُونَ فِي صُدُورِهِمْ حَاجَةً مِمَّا أُوتُوا وَيُؤْثِرُونَ عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ خَصَاصَةٌ  وَمَنْ يُوقَ شُحَّ نَفْسِهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

[They are as well] for those who were settled in the land and [abided] in faith before them, who love those who migrate toward them, and do not find in their breasts any privation for that which is given to them, but prefer [the Immigrants] to themselves, though poverty be their own lot. And those who are saved from their own greed—it is they who are the felicitous.


Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 9, P 514

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