Imam Mahdi, the savior of the living world, is moving around in the streets and east and west of the earth!

Imam Mahdi, the savior of the living world, is moving around in the streets and east and west of the earth!

In this article, we want to tell a story about the savior of humankind and the promised one, Imam Mahdi, and that he lives on earth, because some people of the world think that the earth is empty of God’s messenger.

Amir-ul-Mu’minin  Imam Ali (pbuh) said about Imam Mahdi:

I swear in Lord! At that time, the authority of Allah (Imam Mahdi) will walk over the people in the street, inside their houses (in ceremonies) and in the east and west of the earth, he will be traveling and listening to them and greeting them!

He sees them, but they do not see him, until the day appointed for his appearance and the precursor chant the heavenly call.(1)

In the above narration, it is pointed out that Imam Mahdi is alive on earth among us, but people do not know him, like the brothers of his majesty Yusuf, who were talking to him for a while in the city in the palace of the sovereign of Egypt, but they did not know their brother the sovereign of Egypt, or Yusuf, who The Qur’an mentions it in Surah Yusuf

Like Yusuf’s brothers, we see Imam Mahdi, but we do not recognize him, and we attribute this lack of recognition to his absence, only when this is negligence on our part.

God’s wisdom does not require sending a messenger to the past people, but leaving posterity ones without a messenger


1-The Encyclopedia of Ahadith of Imam Al-Mahdi, Ali Kurani al-Aami, volume 3, page 73.

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